Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10

"'Any individual, from any country, no matter what their immigration status, has a right to a lawyer--' 'Save it,' the women interrupts." (Page 85)

When I first started reading this sentence what I think of is "Go Aisha!!!' but when I finished it I realized that this lady has absolutely no respect for any of these people! This makes me feel really bad for their family because there Aisha is standing up for herself/her family when she is slammed. I don't understand why this lady is being so rude. This sentence really makes me think about their situation.


  1. Yeah, it totally made me think of their situation too. Their in such a tough spot, both their dad and uncle are being held and they don't know what's going to happen next! It made me upset too that the lady just slammed Aisha when she was trying to stick up for her family. Nice work Megan!

  2. This sentence also makes me really think, about how people just see people from the middle east as terrorist when most of them aren't. Good point about how you got excitied then disapointed by the end of the sentence, I think a lot of people felt that way.

    Good Job,

  3. I agree with you all. I think they are trying there best but no one wants to listen to a young girl trying to get a illegal immagrant out of jail. I think they should deflate their big heads and listen to Aisha and Nadira.
    Great job Megan! :D
